Bob Wadholm

<open source> PHILOSOPHY <web design>


I have taught face-to-face and online courses and developed materials and curriculum in various undergraduate and graduate programs since the beginning of 2011. I enjoy integrating my research interests in the concept and application of open source technologies, philosophy and Web design with my courses, and have used and developed cutting-edge learning technologies for my classes. In 2013-2014, I was the manager over other instructors at the Digital Media Zone, providing them with direction, mentoring, and feedback on their course materials and delivery.

From 2014 to 2019 I was an assistant and then associate professor of information systems and philosophy at Trinity Bible College & Graduate School, a small private college in North Dakota. I developed the curriculum for the Information Systems (IS) program, and taught courses online and face-to-face in the areas of IS, philosophy, theology, biblical studies, and English, and am a learning technologies consultant.

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Teaching Assistant

Invited Guest Lecturer / Instructor

Development of Course Instructional and Evaluation Materials

Research & Writing

My publications center on assessment, analytics, hermeneutics, open source, philosophy and theology, all of which integrate with information science and learning technologies. I have written several books, and have presented at diverse conferences on learning, knowledge and hermeneutics. In the area of information science and learning technologies, I have been involved in research projects at MU in the areas of automated analysis of philosophical and religious texts, automated chat activity analytics, analysis of Massive Open Online Courses, assessment of pedadogical usability, and evaluation of a certification program.

In my research, I often focus on the intersection of technology, philosophy, and hermeneutics. Using technology, I have attempted to automate analysis of texts (including chat logs and Twitter feeds for online learning analytics) and to display themes and organization of compositions in various texts. I also enjoy analyzing philosophical issues in technology with a focus on open knowledge. A background in biblical hermeneutics and philosophy informs my computational analyses of ancient texts in various languages, and this allows me to integrate strands of my formal education across fields with my research in information science and learning technologies.

Books & Collections of Essays


Conference Presentations

Book Reviews

Research & Writing Projects in Development

Professional Service

I have committed myself to serving the professional communities of which I am a part. I have been a reviewer for several journals in the fields of learning technologies and education, and have edited numerous books, articles, and journals for colleagues, several of which have won awards and have been featured in the national news (The impact of public officials’ corruption on the size and allocation of U.S. state spending, featured in The Washington Post).

Committee Membership

Journal Language Editor

Journal Reviewer

Professional Forums

Professional Journal Editing and Technical Support

Professional Book Editing/Proofreading

Professional Article Editing/Proofreading:

Professional Participation

I have been an active member in professional organizations in the fields of learning technologies (AACE), philosophy (SCP), and Biblical/theological studies (SBL, SPS). I believe there is a place for learned individuals to meet and dialogue on key issues in a field in an open and straightforward manner. Through my participation, I have had a chance to discuss current research and to involve myself in critical peer evaluation and fellowship. Conferences are an excellent place to be exposed to new ways of thinking, and to meet key figures in a particular field, and are an excellent platform for sharing my own work on learning analytics, philosophy, information and knowledge, technology integration in learning, text analysis, and interpretation (hermeneutics).

International Professional Membership

National Professional Membership

Professional Conferences

Professional Seminar Participation

System Development

My system development activities have centered on designing, developing and assessing Web applications. I have built a content management system, a cross-device digital library, a virtual research environment, an activity analytics application, a Web audio book platform, a newsletter application, an iPad application for a museum kiosk, as well as over 100 instructional and informational Web sites and applications. I have been a Web/instructional design consultant for many academic and non-profit organizations including Indiana University, Missouri University, the Oakland Museum of California, Mission Aviation Fellowship Learning Technologies, and Trinity Bible College & Graduate School. I have released much of my work as open source under an MIT/GPL license, and have a passion for training others in the creation and evaluation of Web applications.

I am also involved in analyzing and evaluating the systems I have built. There are several articles and presentations in which I describe and evaluate The Little Library (a digital library I created), an activity analytics application (a UI for assessing online chat analytics in an online math environment), and VRE (Virtual Research Environment, an online cross-language text analysis platform). In these examples I have used activity theory several times as a basis for analysis (as it focuses on holistic evaluation of entire socio-technical environments), as well as pedagogical usability tests and phenomenological methods, all from a constructivist bent.

System Design & Assessment

Project Director

Professional Consultation Activities

Instructional and Informational Applications (developed and designed specs and products)

Curriculum Planner/Designer