As a freelance Web design consultant, I worked closely with the director of communications and marketing at the Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences to completely redesign and redevelop the College’s Web site. Several major iterations of the site design were necessary before completion. I redesigned the College’s digital logo, created all graphics (some new graphics have been added since) and page layouts, redesigned the information architecture, and developed all xhtml, Flash, JavaScript, and PHP for the redesign. I had a Web programmer who helped me transfer some of the pages to the new template, and the College’s Department of Advancement provided me with all photographs.
As a freelance Web designer, I designed and developed Indiana University’s Liberal Arts and Management Program’s Web site. I redesigned the LAMP digital logo, created all graphics and page layouts, redesigned the information architecture, and developed all xhtml, Flash, and JavaScript. I also integrated an Outlook/Google calendar with the Web site.
As a freelance Web consultant I was asked to be the lead designer of a social media start-up company named CultureU. The idea behind the company was to create a social media platform online for artists and people interested in the arts to showcase their work in portfolios. Over 20 CultureU executives, marketing staff, developers and designers had gone through a year of development and beta testing before they asked me to step in and assist them in a total redesign of their Web site (page layouts, information architecture, JavaScript animations, user experience design, and color scheme generation).
The final site was never released due to budgetary constraints (funding fell through before further financing was possible). I finished the designs for the user interfaces of the home page, the custom search application, portfolio views, profile views, media views, administration views, and several widgets.
View a PDF of mockups and screenshots
At the IU Alumni Association I assisted in the creation of an IU alumni social media portal (called MyIUAA). I worked with a developer who spearheaded the development project, while I led all aspects of design. I implemented the Flickr widget (the box on the far top right with the photos pulled dynamically from, created all graphics and icons for all widgets, and designed the user interfaces (other than inside the widgets, which were created from available APIs).
I created a variety of instructional images for a course on instructional graphics design. This project involved the creation of a Web site featuring these products, and the implementation of several media presentation forms (instructional video, static graphics, and a Flash carousel with 100 hand drawn computer graphics. I designed and developed the Web site and all materials.
View PDF analyses of the graphics
For a class on foundations in instructional systems technology, I created the YouTube video Instructional Systems Technology in Short as a no-budget five minute introduction to the field of IST.
For this project I redesigned the information architecture of a graduate class Web site on Web 2.0, implementing JavaScript tabs and accordians to aid in usability of the site (using the old site was difficult because finding particular resources took extended amounts of time due to poor organization and representation of large amounts of information). I also created a draggable search widget (button on top right of screen) using JavaScript and Google Gadgets mashups. This allowed for in-context searching while perusing the Web site, and thus for a more constructivist functionality built into the site, following the open pedagogy of the class itself. Requirements for the site were several: All content must take up only one Web page (35 pages of textual content all on one Web page), the page must load quickly and be responsive (requiring sparse graphics and minimalist styling), the original graphics of the site must be maintained, all information must be accessible within one to two clicks, and a search portal widget must be built into the page and be able to be accessed fully from any part of the page (yet not be obtrusive or annoying). This course Web site replaced the Web site used previously for the course.
For two years I was the project manager and lead designer and developer of a Flash holiday card for the IU Alumni Association. An e-mail invitation to view the digital card is sent every year to over 240,000 IU alumni. The first card received over 50,000 unique views. For the first card, completed in December 2008, I was the concept designer, oversaw the creation and design of ten watercolor paintings of university campuses by the artist Jon Terzini, and remixed music provided by the IU Jacobs School of Music. I designed and developed all of the Flash animations and functionality.
The second card was released in December 2009. Concept design was by artist Petra Budarz. I designed and developed all storyboards, art, graphics, Flash animations, and sound, and music was provided by the Jacobs School of Music (Indiana University).